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Cessna 310 Aircraft Protection Covers, Reflectors and Plugs
Cessna 310 Aircraft Protection Covers, Reflectors and Plugs
Cessna 310 Aircraft Protection Covers, Reflectors and Plugs
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Canopy Covers help reduce damage to your airplane's upholstery and avionics caused by excessive heat, and they can eliminate problems caused by leaking door and window seals. They keep the windshield and window surfaces clean and help prevent vandalism and theft. Since the covers are custom, please allow a 3-4 week lead time once all measurements are received. All covers can be custom to your aircraft needs.
Each Canopy Cover is custom sewn and the corners are trimmed to match the colors of the airplane. The airplane's registration number can be imprinted onto both sides of the cover for an additional charge. A duffle bag is included with all Canopy Covers.
Each Canopy Cover is normally made from Silver Acrylic Sunbrella or Silver Solution-Dyed Polyester and is lined 100% with a soft and smooth microfiber. Bruce's Custom Covers developed this material combination especially for aircraft protection. The outer material is medium weight and treated for water resistance, UV resistance and anti-static buildup. The inner lining is a very soft and smooth microfiber to prevent scratching. The materials are extremely reflective, and tests show that the cabin interior temperature can be reduced to near-ambient temperature on even the hottest of days. It is water, ice and snow repellent, yet breathable enough to allow moisture to escape from between the cover and the aircraft surface. Our materials do not contain hydrocarbon compounds that can harm Plexiglas windshields and acrylic finishes.
  • The Cessna 310 Canopy Cover is custom-designed for each model, as well as your aircraft's specific antenna and temperature probe placements, if applicable.
  • The Cessna 310 Canopy/Nose Cover is designed to enclose the windshield, all side windows, canopy roof, and also extends forward to cover the nose.
  • Engine Inlet Plugs are custom fit for your Cessna 310 intakes, made with heavy-duty vinyl material, and stuffed with a single block of sculpted urethane foam.
  • The Cessna 310 Propeller Cover is a one-piece design that form fits to the blades and spinner.
  • The Cessna 310 Wing Covers are a perfect solution to protect your paint from sun damage and prevent winter frost, snow, ice buildup, and corrosion.
  • The Cessna 310 Tail cone Cover fits onto the tail cone area to cover the holes that birds can fly into and nest.
  • The Lightweight Travel Canopy Cover will cover the same area as our standard Canopy Cover, but the material used is very lightweight and will fold up and store in a much smaller space.

Product Code: COVERSCESSNA310

Add Registration Number to Cover

Add the aircraft registration number to the cover ordered, Price per each item. [$38.00]
Canopy/Cockpit/Fuselage Covers

310-000 Canopy Cover (st. back, no rear window models) [$670.00]
310-006 Canopy and Nose Cover (310P model) [$880.00]
310-007 Canopy and Nose Cover (310R model) [$880.00]
310-010 Canopy Cover (rear window models) [$670.00]
310-020 Extended Canopy Cover (rear window models) [$880.00]
310-025 Extended Canopy Cover (no rear window models) [$880.00]
310-030 Extended Canopy and Nose Cover (310R and Q models) [$1,125.00]
310-040 Extended Canopy and Nose Cover (no rear window models) w/ext to tail [$1,125.00]
310-041 Extended Canopy and Nose Cover w/ext to tail (w/Hail Protection Panels) [$1,635.00]
310-045 Extended Canopy and Nose Cover w/ext to tail (310R models) [$1,205.00]
310-050 Nose Cover (310R model) [$400.00]
Engine/Prop Covers

310-120 Propeller and Spinner Covers, 2 blade (set of 2) [$405.00]
310-121 Propeller and Spinner Covers, 3 blade (set of 2) [$615.00]
310-122 Insulated Propeller and Spinner Covers, 2 blade (set of 2) [$500.00]
310-123 Insulated Propeller and Spinner Covers, 3 blade (set of 2) [$730.00]
310-138 Engine Covers (specify year and model) (set of 2) [$670.00]
310-139 Insulated Engine Covers (specify year and model) (set of 2) [$1,030.00]
Special Instructions

Plugs and Protection

310-100 Engine Inlet Plugs (set of 4) [$315.00]
310-105 Nose Inlet Plugs (310R) [$110.00]
310-106 Nose Inlet Plugs (310J) (set of 2) [$190.00]
310-108 Nose Inlet Plugs (310Q, louvered vent) (set of 5) [$190.00]
310-110 Exhaust Plugs (set of 4) [$260.00]
310-115 Center Section Inlet Plugs (wing root plugs) (set of 2) [$190.00]
310-116 Turbo Waste Gate Plugs (set of 2) [$150.00]
310-226 Wingtip Pads (set of 4) [$360.00]
310-HP1 Pitot Covers ("L" type pitots) (set of 2) [$60.00]
310-HPB Pitot Cover (straight type pitot) [$35.00]
Wing/Tail/Empennage Covers

310-200 Outer Wing Covers (doesn't cover tip tanks), Winter Use (set of 2) [$400.00]
310-205 Outer Wing Covers (doesn't cover tip tanks), All Year Use (set of 2) [$640.00]
310-210 Outer Wing/Tip Tank Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$580.00]
310-215 Outer Wing/Tip Tank Covers, All Year Use (set of 2) [$820.00]
310-220 Wing Tip Tank Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$275.00]
310-225 Wing Tip Tank Covers, All Year Use (set of 2) [$425.00]
310-230 Outer Wing Covers (310B model), Winter Use (set of 2) [$400.00]
310-235 Outer Wing Covers (310B model), All Year Use (set of 2) [$640.00]
310-240 Center Section Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$345.00]
310-245 Center Section Covers, All Year Use (set of 2) [$455.00]
310-250 Wing/Nacelle/Tip Tank Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$1,205.00]
310-252 Wing/Insulated Nacelle/Tip Tank Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$1,515.00]
310-255 Wing/Nacelle/Tip Tank Covers, All Year Use (set of 2) [$1,515.00]
310-260 Wing/Nacelle/Tip Tank Covers (w/Hail Protection Panels), Winter Use (set of 2) [$1,705.00]
310-265 Wing/Nacelle/Tip Tank Covers (w/Hail Protection Panels), All Year Use (set of 2) [$2,120.00]
310-300 Horizontal Stabilizer Covers, Winter Use (set of 2) [$305.00]
310-305 Horizontal Stabilizer Covers, All Year Use (set of 2) [$375.00]
310-310 Horizontal Stabilizer Covers, (w/Hail Protection Panels), Winter Use (set of 2) [$425.00]
310-315 Horizontal Stabilizer Covers, (w/Hail Protection Panels), All Year Use (set of 2) [$495.00]
310-350 Tail Cone Cover [$240.00]
310-410 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers), Winter Use [$795.00]
310-415 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers), All Year Use [$920.00]
310-420 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers) (310R model), Winter Use [$795.00]
310-425 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers) (310R model), All Year Use [$920.00]
310-430 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers)(Hail Protection Panels) Winter Use [$1,175.00]
310-435 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers)(Hail Protection Panels)All Year Use [$1,300.00]
310-440 Empennage Cover (Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers) (310R model), Winter Use (set of 3) [$920.00]
310-445 Empennage Cover Tailboom, Vertical & Horiz Stabilizers(310R model) All Year Use (set of 3) [$1,050.00]
Aircraft Registration Number

Heat Shields and Sun Reflectors

310-901 Wind Shield Heat Shield (1955-71) [$110.00]
310-902 Wind Shield Heat Shield (1972-77) [$110.00]
310-903 Wind Shield Heat Shield w/compass cutout (1978-81) [$110.00]
310-910 Heat Shield Set (1966-71), 2 side windows (set of 5) [$275.00]
310-911 Heat Shield Set (1960-65), 3 side windows (set of 7) [$300.00]
310-912 Heat Shield Set (1972 & UP) w/rear window (set of 8) [$365.00]
Light Weight Travel Covers

310-800 Travel Cover, Light Weight Canopy Cover [$510.00]
310-810 Travel Cover, Light Weight Travel Canopy/Nose Cover (310P model) [$705.00]
310-820 Travel Cover, Light Weight Travel Canopy/Nose Cover (310R model) [$705.00]

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