This safe, made in the USA, heater is designed to protect the avionics and instrumentation of aircraft. It is thermostatically controlled and will maintain a minimum temperature of 55*F. It should be placed in the cockpit floorboard. The housing is anodized aircraft aluminum, the fans are long life, ball bearing, high static pressure fans. The heating modules are patented and are also self-temperature limiting. It is physically impossible for them to overheat. This is an incredibly high quality heater and is designed to last a lifetime. 1 fan, 1 heating module4.5" x 5.5" x 4.875" housing24V DC
600 watts
Terminal block
This heater contains no thermostats - when power is supplied it will turn on.
Patented stainless steel PTC module cannot overheat
Model Number: H9J8H5-500
(620 watts @ 27V DC)